Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera para pelajar.
Mahukah anda mengetahui cara meningkatkan tahap IQ kita?
Do you want to know some ways to improve our IQ level?
Dan tahukah anda kita boleh meningkatkan tahap IQ kita melalui aktiviti permainan dan senaman otak yang menyeronokkan?
And do you know that we can improve our IQ level through games activities and brain’s exercises?
Activities that can boost your IQ
1) Memory activities :Memory activities can help to improve not only memory, but also reasoning and language skills.
Activities that involve memory training include:
jigsaw puzzles
crossword puzzles
concentration card game, or card matching
2) Executive control activities: Executive control is the ability to control complex cognitive activities. It helps us improve management and regulation’s skills.
Activities that involve executive control training include:
red light, green light
brain teasers
3) Visuospatial reasoning activities : Visuospatial reasoning involves the mental processes related to physical representations.
Activities that involve visual and spatial training include:
point-of-view activities
3-D models
Exercises for your brain
Let’s test our brain
i) Brain teaser : riddles (teka-teki)
Burung apakah yang boleh berdiri, boleh baring tetapi tak boleh duduk?
Bila loceng bas ditekan, bas akan berhenti. Apa yang akan turun dahulu?
Where can you find cities, towns, shops, and streets but no people?
What gets wetter as it dries?
Jawapan :
1. penguin
2. speedometer bas
3. a map
4. a towel
Tugasan ( assignment)
1)Bolehkah anda menyelesaikan ‘Soduku’ di bawah? ( Can you solve the ‘Soduku’ below?)
Jawapan / answer:
2) Yang mana satu ‘brain activities ‘ yang anda minati ? Sila kongsikan jawapan anda.
Which brain activities are you interested? Please share your answer.
Topik ini telah diubahsuai pada 4 years, 2 bulan lepas oleh Hasani Hassan.